I guess even God needs clothes...
For young Japanese girls clothing stores really are God....
Do they come with a guarantee?
With a name like that you can't lose!
This is what they say after they cut off your ear...
Thanks but I think I'll just cut my own hair....
Does this mean it's straight out of the udder?
Have to admit, it's kinda fun to say 'milk as milked'....
I always wondered where they kept stook...
McDonald's doesn't keep any stock, but they have a lot of stook....
Everybody gets off? Just what kind of games are we going to play?
I'll be playing these games in private, thank you....
Before I enter I want to know what 'patorol' means...
Just this place? The police have it pretty easy in Tokyo....
I prefer jam with my bread thanks...
They might wish all the time to provide us fresh bread, but they still close at 7pm....
When you're excited and need a quick turn off...
Actually a used hardware shop, which is pretty unarousing....
Western people might be over-popular in Japan, but you don't have to be rude about it....
It's not funny...
It's hard to get a decent haircut in Japan....
A laxative?
Don't drink this tea before a hot date....
Quite a bold claim for a cake shop...
It's good to know that the cream puff industry is so focused....
'Gross' was closed. I wonder why?
Time to invest in a dictionary guys....
A little more pride in your establishment might help...
Sometimes the Japanese take the whole self criticism thing a bit too far....