food for thought

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  Pepper Flavoured Gum! (Entered Aug. 07, 2009)     Sponsors:  

Japan Inc. will suddenly wake up one morning and realize that there are no more bizarre flavour combinations left to market. It'll all have been done, every food mixed with every other food... On that day a hush will fall o'er the land. I imagine there will be the same palpable feeling of poignant regret and despair that the Easter Islanders must've felt on the day they cut down their very last tree...
In the meantime though, let's enjoy ourselves and leave the worrying to our great great grandchildren.

pepper fruit gum

I'm sure I wouldn't be the first to admit that chewing gum could use a bit of a facelift, but I'm also sure that in the whole history of mankind, nobody has ever thought of putting pepper on their fruit salad until now. However, botanically speaking, peppercorns are actually considered fruits, so maybe this combination will be more auspicious than it sounds?
Before opening the package I figured it was just another ploy, like adding chemically flavoured lamb to caramel, but as you can see from the picture below, the gum actually has real pepper in it. Wow, I'm I going to sneeze when I chew it?

pepper fruit gum close up

Hmm... Well flavour of the year it may not be, but it's actually not that bad. It definitely scores points on the boldness scale, although the sweetness of the sugar and the zing of the pepper never really hit it off well in my mouth, and tended to confuse my poor brain as to what exactly was going on. The biggest problem though was its flavour holding ability. After about 20 seconds, you're chewing on a piece of plastic with a very slight peppery aftertaste. However now that I think about it, maybe it was intentional. I mean who wants to chew on pepper for more than a minute?

pepper and fruit peach banana

You might shake your head now, but just you wait. One day we'll all be eating chocolate covered squid, fish beer, and mutton caramels without batting an eye, and looking back with amusement on the quaint days when such time-honoured products raised eyebrows. Enjoy normal food while you can!


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Food for Thought...
Pepper Flavoured Gum!
I Need Western Food, Stat!
Grilled Lamb Caramels...
Free Beer!
Pepsi Shiso (Beefsteak Plant)...
Green Tea Coke...
I Ate a Biwa...
Fish Beer...
Flavoured Kit Kats Part 3...
Natto in Mito!
Octopus Balls! (Takoyaki)
Chocolate Covered Squid...
Chocolate Beer!
Hello Kitty Sexy Mineral Water!
Japan and Root Beer...
Non Poisonous Gyoza!
Pepsi White...
Matsutake Mushrooms!
Canned Coffee Part 2...
Canned Bread...
Pizza Nightmare...
Cake Soda...
Strange Japanese Snack Names...
Herb Water!
Coca Cola plus Vitamin C...
Getting Boned...
Pepsi Blue Hawaii...
Getting Sauced...
Nagoya Cochin!
Snapple Antioxidant Water!
Fried Chicken Beer...
Chocolate Art!
Disney Eggs...
Halls Nose Candy...
Kid's Beer...
Meal in a Chip...
Aged Water...
Kit Kat (again)...
Big Japan...
Chu-hai, with head?
Good Pizza in Japan?
Square Fruit!
Whopper Combo!
Pepsi Ice Cucumber!
Notime Gum...
The Return of the King!
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...
Fruit of the Gods...
Canned Coffee...
Odor Fighting Gum!
Drug Candy?
Okonomiyaki vs. Monjayaki!
Kit Kat!
Mega Mac...
Mister Donut vs. Krispy Kreme!
Sapporo Beer Test...
Green Things...
Sake 101...
Ice Cream Heaven!
Fruity Vegetable Juice...
Kobe Beef!
Japanese Curry!
Sweet Bean Paste...
Raw Food...
Tofu Juice...
Vending Machines...
Calorie Mate...
Japan Pizza Prize!
It's Natto Time!
Poor Man's Alcohol...

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