food for thought

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  Pepsi Blue Hawaii... (Entered Jun 10, 2008)     Sponsors:  

Pepsi is up to it's old tricks again. It seems like the world's second most popular softdrink wants to make a tradition of releasing a limited edition 'weird' flavour every summer. After starting off with a bang, last year's Pepsi Ice Cucumber is being followed with the more low key Pepsi Blue Hawaii. Perhaps they felt following with another vegetable flavour was too predictable, so they went back to those slightly boring fruity flavours.
My first though upon picking up a bottle at my supermarket was that there really aren't enough deep blue, tongue-staining softdrinks in the world. Unfortunately that was the last semi-positive thought I was to have about it.

Pepsi Blue Hawaii

Anyone buying Pepsi Blue Hawaii will automatically assume, quite rightly, that it's going to taste something like a Blue Hawaii. Well you assumed wrong. If you thought a cucumber softdrink was bad, and you're wondering if Pepsi could possibly make something worse, then wonder no longer, and prepare your tastebuds for some serious chemical bombardment. Once again they made the mistake of mixing the original flavour of Pepsi with the new flavour, in this case the bizarre combination of pinapple and lemon, and in the process completely ruining both. Someone should have told Pepsi that Blue Hawaiis don't have cola in them, and that in fact, it's probably the dumbest idea since Gatorade beer.
Well, two strikes so far, any bets on next summer's flavour? Now that they've done a vegetable, and this year came back with a fruit combination, I feel like the next year should be a real charmer, something nobody expects. I'm in the mood to see something like Pepsi Cheddar Cheese, or Pepsi Bacon and Eggs, or something along those lines. Third time lucky!



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Food for Thought...
Pepper Flavoured Gum!
I Need Western Food, Stat!
Grilled Lamb Caramels...
Free Beer!
Pepsi Shiso (Beefsteak Plant)...
Green Tea Coke...
I Ate a Biwa...
Fish Beer...
Flavoured Kit Kats Part 3...
Natto in Mito!
Octopus Balls! (Takoyaki)
Chocolate Covered Squid...
Chocolate Beer!
Hello Kitty Sexy Mineral Water!
Japan and Root Beer...
Non Poisonous Gyoza!
Pepsi White...
Matsutake Mushrooms!
Canned Coffee Part 2...
Canned Bread...
Pizza Nightmare...
Cake Soda...
Strange Japanese Snack Names...
Herb Water!
Coca Cola plus Vitamin C...
Getting Boned...
Pepsi Blue Hawaii...
Getting Sauced...
Nagoya Cochin!
Snapple Antioxidant Water!
Fried Chicken Beer...
Chocolate Art!
Disney Eggs...
Halls Nose Candy...
Kid's Beer...
Meal in a Chip...
Aged Water...
Kit Kat (again)...
Big Japan...
Chu-hai, with head?
Good Pizza in Japan?
Square Fruit!
Whopper Combo!
Pepsi Ice Cucumber!
Notime Gum...
The Return of the King!
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...
Fruit of the Gods...
Canned Coffee...
Odor Fighting Gum!
Drug Candy?
Okonomiyaki vs. Monjayaki!
Kit Kat!
Mega Mac...
Mister Donut vs. Krispy Kreme!
Sapporo Beer Test...
Green Things...
Sake 101...
Ice Cream Heaven!
Fruity Vegetable Juice...
Kobe Beef!
Japanese Curry!
Sweet Bean Paste...
Raw Food...
Tofu Juice...
Vending Machines...
Calorie Mate...
Japan Pizza Prize!
It's Natto Time!
Poor Man's Alcohol...

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